Wednesday, June 15, 2011

June Garden Tips

Thanks to Cate Oliver from the MCGROW program for this months' garden tips!

Although the rain and cold hung over us for longer than expected, heavy precipitation has ceased and the dreaded last frost is long behind us. Now is the time to really dig in and get growing!

What to do in your garden this month?

Beautiful splotches of red ripening strawberries will be prevalent and can be harvested as ready. The majority of greens that have been steadily producing over winter and spring-swiss chard, lettuce, spinach, mustard greens-will be starting to go to seed and be ready for a final harvest. All beds and areas where plants have recently been removed should be turned and amended. Make sure that a reliable watering system is in order as the weather will be getting hot hot hot! If using irrigation it should placed around plants appropriately to allow for even watering throughout the garden bed. Mulching your garden with a seed free straw and being careful to water during the cooler times of the day will provide better water retention and minimize water loss through evaporation.

What to plant?

It’s transplanting time for all of those scrumptious summer fruits and vegetables starts that have been waiting to get in the ground. Squash and pumpkins can be planted on mounds of their own due to their enormous growth size. Zucchini also need amble space. Climbing plants such as beans and cucumbers need suitable trellising and plenty of room. Tomatoes and tree collards benefit from stakes or cages that prevent them from toppling over when their size becomes too large. Peppers, cilantro, basil, eggplant, corn and melons can also be planted.

Final Thoughts?

The large size of some plants can be utilized as shade for other plants that don’t particularly enjoy extreme heat and direct sun. Take some time to research what you are planting and check out what some of their companion plants are. Tomatoes and carrots flourish when planted together; same goes for the “three sisters,” corn, squash and beans. Plan out your garden beds so as to position plants in areas where they will be most benefited and not overtake others. Never let your weed guard down! Even in the heat of summer they ALWAYS come back, so make sure to keep up on the removal of these pesky plants! Now get outside and soak in the sun!

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