Monday, May 9, 2011

Tomatoes... Coming Soon to a Garden Near You

Human Race was held this last Saturday. I sure hope you were able to come out, enjoy the spring breeze, take a walk or run, and stroll through the Saturday Ukiah Farmers' Market.

I know that there were lots of folks stopping by our Gardens Project/BEANS booth to chat, add their name to our email list, buy our fabulous t-shirts, and to grab a healthy tomato recipe for homemade Mexican Pizzas.

Speaking of tomatoes, I have recently done a cost estimate comparing the cost of store-bought tomatoes and home-grown tomatoes. Now, it's a given that home-grown tomatoes taste sooooo much better, but did you know that per tomato, they're a quarter of the grocery store price? That's even assuming that you are buying a bag of potting soil and compost AND a small tomato plant from the farmers' market!

I would encourage all of you first-time gardeners to get your feet wet... get a container, some soil, a tomato plant, and keep it watered and in the sun. You'll love the fresh tomatoes all summer long!

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