Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Earth Day with the CCC

Thursday April 22nd was Earth Day, and the Ukiah California Conservation Corps (CCC) showed their love to Mother Earth by volunteering with The Gardens Project. 75 CCC members spent the day tackling large infrastructure tasks in five community gardens around Ukiah, including installing a new community garden located on 168 Washington Street. The site for the new garden had been covered with asphalt for the past five decades, and the soil just saw light and breathed fresh air for the first time last week when the asphalt was removed. The CCC dug, sifted rocks out of the soil, and moved compost to get the garden beds ready for residents of the surrounding area, most of whom live in apartments, to plant their summer gardens. The CCC also dug garden beds at the Ukiah High School farm, where community members are reinvigorating the agriculture program and will shortly be offering a CSA. Pomolita Middle School got their infrastructure needs taken care of so that they can focus on planting and harvesting, as did River Oak Charter School. Cleveland Lane Community Garden received help installing a much needed fence along one side of the garden to stop vandalism and the pilfering of vegetables.

A thousand thank yous to the CCC for all their hard work. What a difference they continue to make in community and school gardens around Ukiah!

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