Thursday, February 18, 2010

Garden Coordinator Workshop

On the morning of Tuesday February 16th, 18 garden coordinators from community-supported gardens around Mendocino County came together in what we called a 'Garden Coordinator Workshop,' but might have more appropriately been called a 'Garden Coordinator Summit.'

Our desired outcomes for the summit were to 1) build the network community by getting to know each other and the gardens, 2) build confidence as a garden organizer and ownership of the coordinator position, and 3) assess needs of individuals and the network and to connect with resources.

The Gardens Project offered skill building sessions on organizing a work-party and connecting to resources, but the most exciting part of the day was the sharing that took place between the garden coordinators throughout the morning and over lunch. These coordinators are not often able to interact with each other, so the reassurance that there are others in the County with whom to learn, share, brainstorm, and grow was invaluable.

Creating a space for community members to empower each other is vital to The Gardens Project mission, and this summit proved how hungry we all are to work together, with revolutionary zeal, towards a healthier food system in Mendocino County.

There will be more events like this in the future, as the feedback we received was overwhelmingly positive.

with love and compost,

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