Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Thanksgiving in the Plowshares Garden

Thanksgiving in the Plowshares garden proved to be one of the happiest days for all involved.

The weather was gorgeous. People were rejoicing. Clients coming to eat, Mexican families from the neighborhood, and my partner Ed and I planted nearly 150 plants. Among those were: garlic, onions, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, cabbage and chard. Many of those plants came from Lovin' Blooms in Philo. Kevin from Navarro donated the pink hollyhocks which went along the north fence.

It was really a group effort. The wheelbarrow was flat and was needed to haul compost. Somebody offered to take it in their truck to the gas station. Meanwhile, the kids helped plant garlic learning alongside the adults as the next bed was double dug and filled in with amendments. Fresh hay was laid all around the baby plants to make sure they were warm and fed.

We all worked steadily for 3 days and by the last day nobody seemed to want to leave. Stories of gardens and childhood farms blew out with the west wind. There was a sense of accomplishment and a job well done. I think we could've planted a small farm there was so much enthusiasm! Who knows? Maybe we will.

Julie Drucker

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