Tuesday, March 24, 2009

This Week in the Learning Garden

The garden has shed her winter coat and is wearing a spring jacket of fava beans and purple sprouting broccoli.The favas are doing their thing fixing nitrogen for the soil and making great greens for the compost. If you haven't grown purple sprouting broccoli I highly recommend it. If you plant it in late summer it makes delicious purple florets through the late winter and early spring and it's very pretty.

The spring lettuce is coming on strong in the hoop house and yesterday I harvested the first of the big romaine. The high schoolers planted a bed of broccoli and sowed more flowers. Today the after school crew will sow broccoli for the plant sale and start more artichokes. The rest of the week is devoted to leaves. We will sow six pacs of lettuce, arugula, spinach and asain greens for the sale and also prep a new lettuce bed, plant it, and build a cover for it.

Volunteers are welcome to jump in Friday from 1-5. It's time to make compost and setup the nursery tables and lay down wood chips.

Ceasar salad tonight!


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