Monday, February 10, 2014

Intertribal Agriculture Council - Mobile Farmers Market: Feb 14th

‘Reconnecting the Tribal Trade Routes Roadtrip’

Intertribal Agriculture Council - Mobile Farmers Market
Friday, February 14, 2014
Coyote Valley Reservation
7601 North State Street, Redwood Valley
9am to 1pm

You’re Invited to a FREE Workshop!
Please join Daniel Cornelius,Intertribal Agriculture Council (IAC), for an overview of the Mobile Farmers Market! Dan will be at Coyote Valley Reservation to provide an introduction and presentation on the Mobile Farmers Market. 

USDA representatives will also be on-site to provide program information on funding and technical assistance opportunities.

For more information about Intertribal Agriculture Council and the Mobile Farmers Market, please see our websites:  Native Food Network  and Intertribal Agriculture Council.

Map of location

For more information or to arrange for special accommodation, please contact Terri McCartney 707 513-0198 or Robert Colombro 707 972-3396 by Wednesday, February 11.