Wednesday, December 15, 2010

BEANS Says, Re-Think Your Drink!!!

How much added sweeteners including sugar do you think the average American eats in a year? Almost 100 POUNDS! That’s almost a quarter pound PER DAY! Shocking? The BEANS teen educators thought so too. This week the BEANS Program focused its lessons on sugar consumption, conducting a “Re-Think Your Drink” lesson at after school programs throughout the community.

But before the teen educators were out warning young children about the negative health impacts of sugar consumption, they were able to spend some time learning all the facts and taste testing some DEEELICIOUS drink alternatives.

The BEANS teens, like many of us, were shocked to learn the amount of sugar pumped into all the sodas, teas, juices, and energy drinks out there. Can you believe that there are 14 teaspoons of sugar in every 20 ounce Coke? Think Gatorade, Sunny D, Nestea, or Capri Sun is an exception? Think again! They are chalked full of sugar just as much as the rest of them.

The teens learned all about the sugar epidemic in our country and the links between excessive sugar consumption and health problems such as Type 2 Diabetes, heart disease and obesity. They were also able to calculate the amount of sugar in different soft drinks and also learned about the excessive amount of sugar in many of our food products, including yogurt, breakfast bars, many breakfast cereals, crackers, and microwave dinners.
After learning about what food and drink items to avoid, they were able to taste test almost 15 different healthy drink alternatives, such as unsweetened teas, coconut juice, and sparkling flavored waters. But by far the favorite healthy drink alternative was Kombucha! The teens loved it!

The teens then spent the week teaching younger children in the community all that they had learned, by conducting their own “Re-Think Your Drink” lessons at local after-school programs. The teens made flavored waters (cucumber mint, lemon, and lime) for the kids to show that yummy drinks don’t have to be filled with sugar. The flavored waters were a hit, and some of the kids even went home with the recipes and made them with their parents! Just another example of how the BEANS teens are helping to improve the health of our community.

Ukiah High Farm Stand

Ukiah high Hillside Farm just finished their first ever summer CSA program. With 16 CSA members the season bounty included a bumper crop of tomatoes, squash, cucumbers, greens, and tons of ground cherries. This winter brings a new challenge for the High School Farm: operating a farm stand. The farm stand will be run by an awesome healthcorps volunteer and food will be harvested and grown by the high school students. Fresh winter greens straight from the farm will be available every Friday starting on January 7th from 2:45 - 3:30. The farm stand (farm table..) will be located across the street from Low Gap park.

To get a weekly email update on what is available on Fridays click here to send us your contact information. Can't make it to the farm stand on Fridays? Produce is also available at the West side Renaissance Market in Ukiah.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Easy Squash Recipe

Squash is one of my favorite foods of this time of year. Delicata, butternut, kabocha, acorn-- I love them all. Though harvest season is past, I still have a collection of squashes of all sizes, shapes, and colors. The good news is that if stored in a cool location, squash will keep for a long time. But what to do with so much squash? I typically bake squash in the oven, but recently have been trying new recipes to add a twist to a classic fall food. Here's one of my favorites--it's easy to prepare and delicious to eat!


1 cup chopped pecans

3 tablespoons butter

1 large onion, finely chopped

2 1/4 pounds butternut squash - peeled, seeded, and cubed

salt and pepper to taste

3 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley


1. Place pecans on an ungreased baking sheet. Toast at 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) for 5 to 8 minutes.

2. Melt butter in a large, heavy skillet over low heat; add onion, and saute until very tender, about 15 minutes. Stir in squash, and cover. Continue cooking, stirring occasionally, until squash is tender but still holds its shape, about 15 minutes. Season with salt and pepper.

3. Stir in half the pecans and half the parsley. Transfer mixture to a serving bowl. Sprinkle with remaining pecans and parsley to serve.

Also, walnuts make a great substitute for pecans. Happy cooking!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

More Food! More Farmers! More Markets! More $!

This Fall begins a new program of North Coast Opportunites - McGROW - a two year USDA funded program to increase food production from our farmers, increase demand for local foods, and strengthen our farmer's markets!

Just in case you love acronyms, McGROW stands for: Mendocino County Grows new farmers, Renews agricultural skills, Organizes training and capacity building for farmers and market managers, and Works to increase production capacity. A new program coordinator will be working with the Mendocino County Farmers Market Association (McFarm), market managers, and farmers to develop a series of trainings for: farmers to extend seasons and increase production (i.e hoop house usage and construction) and market managers to be more effective (i.e. marketing, accounting, and using EBT/Food Stamps). Additionally, the McGROW program will be developing new marketing and public outreach campaigns to increase awareness of the nutritional, economic, and community benefits of purchasing local foods.

To find out more information and how to get involved, join in on the trainings, and help rebuild our local food system, contact NCO at 462-2596 x 103. Let's keep farming and eating!

Eat a Rainbow Every Day!

We've all heard that eating fruits and vegetables every day is important for our health. Most who read this blog are probably already eating fresh and preserved garden produce on a daily basis. However, are you making sure to get the wide variety of nutrients that plants can offer? To do so, you should eat a rainbow every day (that sounds tasty and fun!). During the rainy days of winter, there are many fruits and vegetables that offer the color and nutrient variety our bodies need.

Red fruits and veggies include: red apples, beets, red cabbage, cranberries, pink grapefruit, red grapes, pomegranates, and radishes. Health benefits: Red fruits and vegetables are colored by natural plant pigments called "lycopene" or "anthocyanins." Lycopene in tomatoes, watermelon and pink grapefruit, for example, may help reduce risk of several types of cancer, especially prostate cancer. Lycopene in foods containing cooked tomatoes, such as spaghetti sauce, and a small amount of fat are absorbed better than lycopene from raw tomatoes. Anthocyanins in strawberries, raspberries, red grapes and other fruits and vegetables act as powerful antioxidants that protect cells from damage. Antioxidants are linked with keeping our hearts healthy, too.

Orange/yellow group includes: yellow apples, butternut squash, carrots, grapefruit, lemons, mandarin oranges, pears, persimmons, pumpkin, rutabagas, sweet potatoes, and tangerines. Health benefits: Orange/yellow fruits and vegetables are usually colored by natural plant pigments called "carotenoids." Beta-carotene in sweet potatoes, pumpkins and carrots is converted to vitamin A, which helps maintain healthy mucous membranes and healthy eyes. Scientists have also reported that carotenoid-rich foods can help reduce risk of cancer, heart disease and can improve immune system function. One study found that people who ate a diet high in carotenoid-rich vegetables were 43 percent less likely to develop age-related macular degeneration, an eye disorder common among the elderly, which can lead to blindness. Carotenoids also may be good for your heart. One study found that men with high cholesterol who ate plenty of vegetables high in carotenoids had a 36 percent lower chance of heart attack and death than their counterparts who shunned vegetables. Citrus fruits like oranges are not a good source of vitamin A. They are an excellent source of vitamin C and folate, a B vitamin that helps reduce risk of birth defects.

Green group includes: green apples, avocados, broccoli, brussels sprouts, green cabbage, lettuce, limes, green onions, and spinach. Health benefits: Green fruits and vegetables are colored by natural plant pigment called "chlorophyll." Some members of the green group, including spinach and other dark leafy greens, green peppers, peas, cucumber and celery, contain lutein. Lutein works with another chemical, zeaxanthin, found in corn, red peppers, oranges, grapes and egg yolks to help keep eyes healthy. Together, these chemicals may help reduce risk of cataracts and age-related macular degeneration, which can lead to blindness if untreated. The "indoles" in broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and other cruciferous vegetables may help protect against some types of cancer. Leafy greens such as spinach and broccoli are excellent sources of folate, a B vitamin that helps reduce risk of birth defects.

Blue/purple group includes: figs, prunes, purple grapes, raisins. Health benefits: Blue/purple fruits and vegetables are colored by natural plant pigments called "anthocyanins." Anthocyanins in blueberries, grapes and raisins act as powerful antioxidants that protect cells from damage. They may help reduce risk of cancer, stroke and heart disease. Other studies have shown that eating more blueberries is linked with improved memory function and healthy aging.

White group includes: cauliflower, garlic, ginger, jicama, mushrooms, onions, parsnips, and turnips. Health benefits: White fruits and vegetables are colored by pigments called "anthoxanthins." They may contain health-promoting chemicals such as allicin, which may help lower cholesterol and blood pressure and may help reduce risk of stomach cancer and heart disease. Some members of the white group, such as bananas and potatoes, are good sources of the mineral potassium, too.

Happy eating and good health to you and your family over this holiday season!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Leek Frittata

Leeks are the onions of winter. Keep your leeks in a plastic bag in the refrigerator so they don't spread their oniony smell around. To cook with your leeks use the bottom part all the way up until it starts to turn dark green. The dark green upper parts of the leek will be more tough and more bitter than the lighter green and white part of your leeks. Leeks contain iron, vitamin C, calcium, and fiber. They also contain an important cancer fighting compound - allicin.

Not sure what to do with your leeks? Check out the recipe below from nourishing traditions for a leek frittata, a great dish for a rainy evening which we've been having a lot of lately in Mendocino county.


4 large leeks
2 tablespoons oil
6 eggs
1/3 cup yogurt, or milk
1 tsp finely chopped lemon rind
pinch dried oregano
1/2 tsp finely chopped rosemary
Salt and Pepper to taste
1 cup Monterey Jack cheese

In a cast iron skillet sautee the leeks in the olive oil until they start to brown. Beat eggs with yogurt or milk and add seasonings. Stir in leeks. Coat the bottom of your skillet with olive oil or butter and pour in the egg and leek mixture. Cover and heat until underside is golden, about five minuets. Sprinkle cheese on top and place in broiler until the fritatta starts to puffs up and turns brown. Cut into wedges and serve.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Mendo Food Futures Gets Hip and Becomes Grange Grains

Mendo Food Futures Gets Hip and Becomes Grange Grains
(Lucas Polit, of Polit Family Farms shows us his brown rice)

In 2009 North Coast Opportunities and Willits Economic Localization with support from the Community Services Block Grant and Cal-Endowment created a local food backed currency and called it Mendo Food Futures now called Grange Grains. It's mission was to provide markets for local farmers, increase community food security, and provide an alternative currency to be used in the community. In one year the project created and distributed $10,000 worth of Mendo Food Future notes, sold over 10,000 pounds of local organic grains and provided grain storing and preparation materials to consumers at Farmers Markets.

In 2010 I, Mason Giem, an Americorps Vista Member working for North Coast Opportunities, was recruited to help with the project. I ran the Farmers Market booth, and tried to find ways to make the project sustainable without grants. After attending a small business workshop I wrote a business plan in which I proposed that the project expand our markets to local restaurants and stores. Shortly after a M.O.U. was developed to hand the project over to the local Little Lake Grange #670. The Grange is exited about participating in a local food project and has provided space to build five, four ton grain silos. We are developing a partnership with the local food bank to use their food delivery van. With a twenty ton storage capacity, a new operational structure and a new advertising plan, Mendo Food Futures is ready to ascend to the esteemed position of Grange Grains.

Look for Grange Grains to be sold at our local restaurants. In Willits you will find our brown rice at the Farmers Market every Thursday from 3:00 to 6:00 at the Little Lake Grange on State Street, Burrito Exquisito on Main Street and soon at the Howard Memorial Hospital. In Ukiah in the near future you will find either our brown rice, white rice or black beans at the Ukiah Brewery, New Dragon restaurant and Patronas. Grange Grains still maintains the Mendo Food Futures mission of encouraging and creating local food security and providing a market for local farmers. Unfortunately the local currency was not being traded amongst the community and the banks would not turn the food future credits into American dollars. I hope that in the future we can develop a system where individuals buy food future credits from us and exchange them at the participating local restaurants and then the local restaurants can exchange them to us at Grange Grains for grains.

Blessings to all,

Mason Giem
Americorp VISTA
Gardens Project of N.C.O.

MCAVHN garden

Hello everyone,

Here is the first BLOG from MCAVHN garden.

There have been alot of changes in the garden since Spring 2010.
We have new volunteers who have been reinvigorating the garden.

Raised beds are being created and we are using Organic and Permaculture

We had a bumper crop of tomatoes and greens over the summer.
And we have planted MCAVHNS first Winter garden
with the help of donations from the Gardens Project & College Fall plant sale.

Plans for Spring 2011 include:
+Medicinal Herb meditation area, focusing on HIV/AIDS and Hep C.
+Workshops in Organic gardening/cooking/shopping on no/ low income/food stamps.
And more!

We LOVE volunteers!
Please CONTACT Linda.D

Thanks to everyone!
Linda D

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Local Families Appreciate the Garden and Cooking Programs in Mendocino County Schools

Creating opportunities for children to practice healthy habits is at the forefront in Mendocino County. Families are leading the way – planning family meals with their kids, going grocery shopping together, and exchanging ideas with friends who also have busy schedules and/or picky eaters. Schools and community organizations are supporting their efforts and are introducing new ideas by planting and tending school and community gardens, engaging students like Caylin (pictured above) in nutrition education, providing hands-on cooking demonstrations, and of course, incorporating daily physical activity.

Many parents and caregivers know that it can be a struggle getting kids to eat vegetables and to play actively. One new program, BEANS (Better Eating, Activity, and Nutrition for Students), is getting Mendocino County’s kids excited about trying new healthy habits. One local mom, Dawn, says, “It’s about exposure. My daughter gets to go out into the school garden and taste new vegetables; she gets to make and try new recipes with the BEANS program; when she goes to karate class, she hears from Mr. Maldonado how important it is to eat healthy foods – all this exposure from so many sources really makes a difference.”

Many families have been seeing new recipes coming home in their children’s backpacks. BEANS visits local after-school programs every week and is responsible for these take-home lessons – for promoting healthy food choices. BEANS is a grant-funded program of the Network for a Healthy California, administered locally by North Coast Opportunities and the Gardens Project. The BEANS program runs in after-school programs at elementary and middle schools in Fort Bragg, Willits, and Ukiah. Each year, six teens from each community are recruited and trained to be nutrition peer educators. As nutrition peer educators, the teens meet weekly to plan and prepare lessons for the after-school programs. Later in the week, the teens present nutrition lessons, cooking demonstrations, taste-tests, and active games at various elementary school sites throughout the county. The teens are natural role models for elementary school students – and they’re passing on valuable life skills.

Through the BEANS program, students are learning where food comes from, how to prepare meals, and how to make healthy food choices. More often than not, the students then become “teachers” in their own family. They take the lessons learned from gardening and cooking classes at school and push their family to grow or buy new ingredients for the family meal. “The biggest change I’ve seen is when my daughter came home wanting different kinds of lettuce. Before BEANS and the school garden program, she’d never eaten anything other than iceberg lettuce. Also, she loved the taste of the cucumber flavored water she made in the after-school BEANS program – she wanted to make it at home,” says Dawn, “I appreciate the support.”
Dawn acknowledges that getting kids to eat healthy is an ongoing challenge – especially with busy family work and sports schedules. Packing healthy lunches can be difficult when there are a lot of easy-to-grab-and-go items like pre-packaged snack crackers and cheese, go-gurt tubes, chips, and teddy grahams. She shared a few healthy lunch ideas that she’s tried with her kids: veggie straws (a healthy alternative to greasy potato chips… she found them at Costco), clementines, cottage cheese with frozen blueberries, grapes, and almonds.

Preparing a wholesome dinner can also be a challenge for busy families. Dawn suggests a little bit of planning ahead makes all the difference. For instance, in the morning she’ll pack a couple of low-sugar granola bars and waters in her car for the kids to eat as a snack between school and afternoon/evening sports activities. Also, Dawn said, “I use Sundays to prepare food ahead for the week. I’ll cook up some chicken breasts for meals later in the week. I’ll also make a big batch of Bowtie Casserole (see recipe below!) and freeze it so that when we come home late and the kids are hungry, we have a healthy meal ready.”

With all of the challenges that modern families face, it’s great to know that so many individuals, schools, and organizations in Mendocino County are working to promote the health of our children. Healthy families are the building blocks of a healthy county. In the spirit of exchanging and sharing ideas for healthful living, Dawn wanted to share this easy, make-ahead recipe with everyone.

1 lb. ground turkey
1 package bowtie pasta
1 package of frozen spinach
1 jar of spaghetti sauce (or she sometimes makes her own)
1 cup grated low-fat mozzarella cheese
Add seasonings to taste

DIRECTIONS: Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spray a 9x9 casserole dish with non-stick spray. Remove frozen spinach from its package and thaw in a bowl. Meanwhile, boil pasta according to package instructions. While the pasta is cooking, brown the ground turkey, drain any fat. Squeeze the spinach to remove as much water as possible. Once all ingredients are prepared, layer them into the casserole dish. Begin with 1 cup spaghetti sauce, ½ of the cooked pasta, then ½ of the ground turkey, then ½ of the drained spinach, any seasonings you choose, then ½ cup of grated cheese. Repeat the layers ending with a little extra sauce and ½ cup grated cheese on top. Place casserole in the oven to bake for 15-20 minutes, or until the casserole is hot all the way through. Serve and enjoy.