Monday, December 1, 2014

The Great Crooked Neck Squash Adventure!

The First-hand experience of FoodCorps Service Member Sarah Stowell

In early October in the garden at Nokomis Elementary School several fifth graders were exploring when they found the crooked neck squash they had planted last school year. They wanted to try eating the squash so bad that several students asked to try it raw! I warned them it was much better cooked but they tried it anyways saying how good it was but agreed it would be better if cooked.  So they asked when we could cook it. Having never cooked with squash before I was a little nervous about making sure we prepared it in a way the students would like. When talking to the principal, John McCann, about the plan to cook the squash with the students I found out that he was not personally a squash fan although he did agree to try it when we made it.

After doing some research on squash recipes and talking with the students we decided to make squash bread! Over the course of several days 6-8 students from each of the 4th and 5th grade classes and several of the 3rd grade classes came to bake a loaf of bread to share with their classmates.
In order to limit the amount of processed sugar and to improve the texture we used raisins and unsweetened apple sauce as our secret ingredients!

Everybody who tried the bread, including the principal, said they loved it!

I would like to thank John McCann for making this experience possible!

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