Saturday, October 26, 2013

Mendocino County school gardens need your help!

On October 1, Mendocino County’s 32 public school gardens - operated by the Garden Enhanced Nutrition Education (GENE) program - lost funding.

There are so many proven benefits of garden-based education, and if a significant community interest in school gardens and nutrition education is demonstrated to each school board, GENE has a very real chance of thriving once again.

Until then, most students will miss out, and unattended gardens run the risk of being plowed over. The cost to fully fund the GENE program is about $25 per student per year, or $500 per classroom. We hope that in the years to come the schools will prioritize funding for the program, but for this year we need community donations to keep the gardens alive.

Here’s what you can do:
  1. Watch this video, share it with your friends, and post it on any social media sites you use.
  2. Make a donation to your favorite school garden through the Community Foundation.
  3. Urge your school board to fully fund the Garden Enhanced Nutrition Education program.
  4. Volunteer in your local school garden: e-mail Terry D’Selkie at

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