Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Eat a Rainbow Every Day!

We've all heard that eating fruits and vegetables every day is important for our health. Most who read this blog are probably already eating fresh and preserved garden produce on a daily basis. However, are you making sure to get the wide variety of nutrients that plants can offer? To do so, you should eat a rainbow every day (that sounds tasty and fun!). During the rainy days of winter, there are many fruits and vegetables that offer the color and nutrient variety our bodies need.

Red fruits and veggies include: red apples, beets, red cabbage, cranberries, pink grapefruit, red grapes, pomegranates, and radishes. Health benefits: Red fruits and vegetables are colored by natural plant pigments called "lycopene" or "anthocyanins." Lycopene in tomatoes, watermelon and pink grapefruit, for example, may help reduce risk of several types of cancer, especially prostate cancer. Lycopene in foods containing cooked tomatoes, such as spaghetti sauce, and a small amount of fat are absorbed better than lycopene from raw tomatoes. Anthocyanins in strawberries, raspberries, red grapes and other fruits and vegetables act as powerful antioxidants that protect cells from damage. Antioxidants are linked with keeping our hearts healthy, too.

Orange/yellow group includes: yellow apples, butternut squash, carrots, grapefruit, lemons, mandarin oranges, pears, persimmons, pumpkin, rutabagas, sweet potatoes, and tangerines. Health benefits: Orange/yellow fruits and vegetables are usually colored by natural plant pigments called "carotenoids." Beta-carotene in sweet potatoes, pumpkins and carrots is converted to vitamin A, which helps maintain healthy mucous membranes and healthy eyes. Scientists have also reported that carotenoid-rich foods can help reduce risk of cancer, heart disease and can improve immune system function. One study found that people who ate a diet high in carotenoid-rich vegetables were 43 percent less likely to develop age-related macular degeneration, an eye disorder common among the elderly, which can lead to blindness. Carotenoids also may be good for your heart. One study found that men with high cholesterol who ate plenty of vegetables high in carotenoids had a 36 percent lower chance of heart attack and death than their counterparts who shunned vegetables. Citrus fruits like oranges are not a good source of vitamin A. They are an excellent source of vitamin C and folate, a B vitamin that helps reduce risk of birth defects.

Green group includes: green apples, avocados, broccoli, brussels sprouts, green cabbage, lettuce, limes, green onions, and spinach. Health benefits: Green fruits and vegetables are colored by natural plant pigment called "chlorophyll." Some members of the green group, including spinach and other dark leafy greens, green peppers, peas, cucumber and celery, contain lutein. Lutein works with another chemical, zeaxanthin, found in corn, red peppers, oranges, grapes and egg yolks to help keep eyes healthy. Together, these chemicals may help reduce risk of cataracts and age-related macular degeneration, which can lead to blindness if untreated. The "indoles" in broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and other cruciferous vegetables may help protect against some types of cancer. Leafy greens such as spinach and broccoli are excellent sources of folate, a B vitamin that helps reduce risk of birth defects.

Blue/purple group includes: figs, prunes, purple grapes, raisins. Health benefits: Blue/purple fruits and vegetables are colored by natural plant pigments called "anthocyanins." Anthocyanins in blueberries, grapes and raisins act as powerful antioxidants that protect cells from damage. They may help reduce risk of cancer, stroke and heart disease. Other studies have shown that eating more blueberries is linked with improved memory function and healthy aging.

White group includes: cauliflower, garlic, ginger, jicama, mushrooms, onions, parsnips, and turnips. Health benefits: White fruits and vegetables are colored by pigments called "anthoxanthins." They may contain health-promoting chemicals such as allicin, which may help lower cholesterol and blood pressure and may help reduce risk of stomach cancer and heart disease. Some members of the white group, such as bananas and potatoes, are good sources of the mineral potassium, too.

Happy eating and good health to you and your family over this holiday season!

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